Below is a picture taken on Sunday (Mothers Day) evening showing Taylors arm cast.

At "First Care" the X-rays showed a small fracture in his arm just below the wrist area. They recommended that Heather take him to "Orthopedics North East" to have a cast put on to help the fracture heal. Heather recalled that Taylor was not happy with the Dr. who put the cast on his arm. Taylor is due back in ONEs' office in two weeks for a follow-up appt.
If that wasn't enough, Taylor spent all last night vomitting almost once every hour starting at 10:30 or so. He ended up going through about 4 pairs of jammers. As of 12 noon Heather said that he is doing much better and is starting to eat again little by little.
If you haven't heard Heather is measuring 4 weeks ahead and her blood pressure is starting to rise just a little. Dr. Blackmon decided to start her on some medication and we have an appt. Thursday to see if it is helping lower those numbers!
As far as things go with me, I am just trying to help "hold down the fort" and keep Heather and Taylor as happy as I can. Work out on the Parkview North jobsite is going well. They have the 10th floor steel erected for the helipad and are continuing to add the steel on the heart tower just west of the core tower. I was hoping to head back to the mothership (office) this week but they have pushed the date back again. I am keeping very busy so I am not complaining.
Hope you all are doing well and keep us up to date on any new happenings with your families.
Take care and God Bless.
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