Thursday, June 5, 2008

Heather's Appointment Today...

Can you believe it's already June?!!! It's crazy for us when we think that, if for some reason Taylor were to be born now, that he would have an 85% survival rate-Wow!!

Well as you can guess Heather is now in her third trimester (or the "second storm" as my "father handbook" describes it!)...Hopefully there will be less "thunder and lightning" in this storm as compared to the first! (I didn't like how sick Heather was in those first few months.

Heather's appointment this morning went very well. She was first taken into a lab area where she had to drink a cup of "orange" fluid for her glucose test. She said it didn't taste as bad as she thought it might, but it definitely wasn't Sunkist either! We were told by the nurse that she would withdraw blood one hour from Heather taking the fluid to check her sugar levels. Just as she finished the liquid another nurse called for her to go to an exam room for her appointment.

Heather first weighed herself and had gained 5 lbs since her last visit in May...Her blood pressure was then measured (118/80) and then we were to wait for Dr. Blackmon.

Dr. Blackmon noticed right away that Heathers' legs were a little swolen (normal). Dr. then felt Heathers' belly and right away found Taylor's head which was in the lower part of her belly (normal), and of course found his heartbeat right away (just a pumping right along!!!) She then measured Heather's belly and told us that she is measuring at 30 weeks now!!! (she just turned 27 weeks Monday). And that was it for her appointment with Dr. Blackmon so we had about a half hour of time to kill before we had to be back to get her blood drawn.

We decided while we were at Parkview North that we would sign up for a prenatal class on June 28th and a breastfeeding class on July 22nd. So we went upstairs to the Parkview Women's center and registered for them.

We then went back down and waited in Dr. Blackmon's office until Heathers' hour was up, the nurse took the blood she needed from Heather and we were all done. We scheduled our next appointment for June 26th (only 3 weeks away!!!!!) and were on our way....

God Bless everyone and we can't wait to spend time with Taylor's Aunt Holly next week!!!!!!