Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It's Bed Rest for Heather!

We have been monitoring Heathers' blood pressure the last day and a half and it is consistency getting a little higher. She decided to call Dr. Blackmon's office today around lunch to see if she should come get checked out today or just wait until our scheduled appointment Thursday.

Dr. Blackmon's office called Heather at work around 3:45 this afternoon and told her that she needs to leave work immediately and to stay on bed rest until we hear otherwise on Thursday.

Heather keeps commenting to me that she feels fine, no dizziness or other symptons of high blood pressure, and doesn't understand why her readings are increasing-I keep reminding her that we will find out all the answers to our questions soon!

Please continue to pray for Heather, Taylor, and I as we continue on our journey to the big day!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Week 34 Dr. Visit Update!!

Hello all! Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful, warm, humid summer! Heather and I could do without the humidity that's for sure!

We visited Dr. Blackmon last Thursday, July 24 for another check-up on her and Baby Taylor. It was another routine check of her weight, belly size, and blood pressure. Right away Heather's blood pressure measured a little higher than it normally has throughout the pregnancy. This was a cause for concern, so she was told to lie on her left side, and elevate her feet. A few minutes passed and they took another reading which still measured a little high. As a precaution, Dr. Blackmon ordered some lab (blood) work to be done right away. After a few minutes in the phlebotomists' room and we were on our way.

Heather's next appointment is set for this Thursday @ 10:00 am, and will include an ultrasound as well as a normal check-up with Dr. Blackmon.

We want to thank those who have left comments on our blog-it's fun reading what you all are thinking!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Heather's Last Two Appointments!

Hope everyone is doing well! Heather and I apologize for not posting comments on her June 26th appointment sooner, it went very well...

The June 26th appointment was a standard appointment. She weighed in about 6lbs. heavier, and her blood pressure was right where it should be. Her belly measured around one week ahead so she is finally where she should be.

Her most recent appointment, July 8th, went great as well. She gained 5lbs. and again her blood pressure was normal. This time her belly measured two weeks ahead, so Dr. Blackmon told us that around the 36 week appointment that they will do an ultrasound to check Taylor's weight.

Included in this post is a picture of Heather at around 18 1/2 weeks and another one that we just took this evening at 33 weeks! Just look at her sweet belly!!

Heather's next appointment is scheduled for Thursday July 24th and should be another standard check-up appointment.