Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving and Christmas!!!

My sister and her husband were home from Cali this past week for Thanksgiving because they are not able to come home for Christmas this year. So, we had my side (Trietsch) Christmas this week as well as celebrating Turkey day. This also happened to be the first time Holly and Randy saw Taylor and Nathan for the first time.

They didn't put these babies down all week. This one right above is my mom holding Taylor and Holly has Nathan.

Then on Wed. night we had our own little Christmas party. Of course Taylor and Nathan made out like bandits. Although I must say us "bigger" kids did pretty well too. During gift opening we put bows on the boys so Randy decided to join in the fun and we couldn't resist getting a picture of that.

Then we wrapped up that night with a photo shoot for grandma and grandpa with the two boys. I think we had 3 cameras on them at all times. You have to be fast with boys that are 2 months and 4 months old!!

I will wrap up this post with final pictures of us going downtown to see the santa and the reindeer. It was a lot of work taking a 4 month old down there. Not sure I will do it again but it was his first time seeing Santa lit up on the building.

We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Taylor has his 4 month check up with the doctor in about 2 weeks so we will give you an update then.


We haven't posted in awhile so this happened a couple weeks ago. Taylor is doing some new things. He has always been good about taking is pacifier but he has learned a new trick! SUCKING HIS THUMB!!! I am not sure I really want him doing this, but in the middle of the night he will spit out is paci and go for the thumb. I think he has caught on quickly in that if he does this in the middle of the night I can't pull out the thumb and stick his paci back in. Clever little devil isn't he. Here are some pictures of him sucking his thumb.

His other first is he is now eating cereal. He will be turing 4 months old in just 6 days, so the pediatrician said he could start having cereal and oatmeal. He has done pretty good with it but he is still learning how to eat and not thrust out his tongue with all the food coming right out. Here is my big man eating his cereal. He is sooooo cute!!!

He of course has to get some milk to wash it down!!!