Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Jakob Storm is here!!

I would like all of you to meet our new little man Jakob Storm, born on July 31 @ 11:30pm, weighing 7 lb 5 oz, and 21" long!
Heather and I have hardly had time for ourselves, let alone getting on the blog so I appreciate all your patience! Attached are pics that you might be interested in. . .God Bless you all and will keep you in the loop on any new happenings with us!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Updates on the whole family!!

Hello family and friends from the J.Pedersen family! I wanted to keep you all up to date on what Taylor is up to, Heather and the pregnancy, and even some stuff about me!!
Below is a picture taken on Sunday (Mothers Day) evening showing Taylors arm cast.

The green colored cast starts just below his fingers and goes past his elbow. On Wednesday of last week, Taylor fell out of his crib and onto the floor. Heather and I monitored his arm for any signs of swelling all day Thursday. No swelling ever appeared but we noticed he was doing everything left handed. We decided to have Heather take him into Dr. Lisa on Friday morning to get her opinion on the condition of his arm. She recommends that Heather take Taylor to "First Care" out at the Parkview North campus.

At "First Care" the X-rays showed a small fracture in his arm just below the wrist area. They recommended that Heather take him to "Orthopedics North East" to have a cast put on to help the fracture heal. Heather recalled that Taylor was not happy with the Dr. who put the cast on his arm. Taylor is due back in ONEs' office in two weeks for a follow-up appt.
If that wasn't enough, Taylor spent all last night vomitting almost once every hour starting at 10:30 or so. He ended up going through about 4 pairs of jammers. As of 12 noon Heather said that he is doing much better and is starting to eat again little by little.

If you haven't heard Heather is measuring 4 weeks ahead and her blood pressure is starting to rise just a little. Dr. Blackmon decided to start her on some medication and we have an appt. Thursday to see if it is helping lower those numbers!

As far as things go with me, I am just trying to help "hold down the fort" and keep Heather and Taylor as happy as I can. Work out on the Parkview North jobsite is going well. They have the 10th floor steel erected for the helipad and are continuing to add the steel on the heart tower just west of the core tower. I was hoping to head back to the mothership (office) this week but they have pushed the date back again. I am keeping very busy so I am not complaining.

Hope you all are doing well and keep us up to date on any new happenings with your families.

Take care and God Bless.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's a . . . . . .

Boy!! After waiting almost an hour and a half in the waiting room we were finally called back for the ultrasound and found out we are having another boy!! We are both so excited and he looks healthy and happy!!

I will try to post the ultrasound pics as soon as I can.

Hope everyone is doing well.

P.S. - Meggan Hollys' boy Keaton is doing very well, he is off his blood pressure medications, taking milk every 3 hours and Meggan is able to hold him up to 3 hours a day. He has been a miracle in their lives and is helping them cope with the loss of Mason. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Update on Dave Trietsch. . .

Afternoon all. Wanted to give you all an update on the status of Heathers father Dave.

He has been diagnosed as having a Duodenal (Peptic) Ulcer. The Doctor also noticed that Dave has some constriction in his esophagus. The procedure to stretch his esophagus will happen in a couple of weeks. He is going to be released from the hospital tomorrow.

For those of you who don't know what occurred over the weekend Dave had to be admitted into Parkview (State Blvd.) Hospital early Sunday morning after complaining of stomach pain and a few other symptoms.

Heather, Taylor, and I visited him yesterday afternoon and were happy to see him feeling a little better.

Please keep Dave and Aleta in your thoughts and prayers.

Next blog update. . .Thursday afternoon after we find out if we are going to have a baby boy or girl!!!!

Keep in touch all.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Taylors first haircut on Feb. 17!!

Parkview North project - steel shown is at 7th floor with 2 more floors to go.

The work trailer that I spend all my time in during the week.

Great picture of Taylors wonderful smile!

Taylor in his bathtub.

Good afternoon everyone! I thought I would create a quick post since I see we haven't posted since June '09!!

Everything for the most part is going well with the Pedersens. Heather turned 19 weeks yesterday and we both can't wait till next Thursday, April 1st, when we have an ultrasound done to find out the sex of the baby!! Heather has recently been feeling the symptoms of the flu and has a call into Dr. Blackmons office to see what medicine they recommend she use due to the pregnancy.

As far as Taylor goes, I am taking him to the pediatrician at 2:20 today to see what has been bothering him the last couple of days. We have been treating him ourselves with Motrin every 8 hours to help him feel a little better but there is something definitely wrong with the little guy :(

Heather is now driving the new car we purchased last Wednesday, 2006 Toyota Camry SE V6. We really love the car so far and plan on keeping it for quite awhile. Taylor loves all the room he has in the back seat and can't wait for his sister/brother to join him!!

Everything at my job is going very well. They have erected almost all the steel for the entire expansion which allows our company to proceed on the 110 million dollars of work we have. I have attached some pictures showing the current stage of the project.

We want to send out two prayer requests for close friends of ours. Troy Floor is currently starting his chemo treatment and we pray for strength and patience through this process. Also Meggan Holly (Furniss) and her husband Ryan on the difficult process they are going through post pregnancy.

Hope everyone is doing well and keep us up to date on all your happenings!!